Who we are



FEDERCOSTRUZIONI is the Italian Federation, member of the Confindustria network, that represents the construction chain made of over 40.000 companies through its 13 member associations of the following 5 areas:

  • Building and infrastructure
  • Constructions technologies, plants and machinery related to civil constructions
  • Construction materials
  • Engineering and design
  • IT and BIM services.

FEDERCOSTRUZIONI is actively engaged on the promotion of innovation and digitization for the construction sector both at national and European level where it has successfully promoted the inclusion of the construction sector as one of the focus areas selected by the Digitizing European Industry WG2 and is taking part in the following EU funded projects: DIGITAL PLATFORM FOR CONSTRUCTION IN EUROPE (DIGIPLACE) ended 03/2021 where it has been in charge on the development of a Community of Stakeholders of more than 600 members and supervised the Advisory Board set up and activities; METABUILDING and METABUILDING LABS both ongoing.



FEDERCOSTRUZIONI is a member of:



Confindustria is the main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy, with a voluntary membership of more than 150,000 companies of all sizes, employing a total of 5,382,382 people.
The association’s activities are aimed at guaranteeing the central importance of companies, the driver’s of Italy’s economic, social and civil development. By representing companies and their values at institutions of all levels, Confindustria contributes to social well-being and progress, and from this standpoint guarantees increasingly diversified, efficient and modern services.
Confindustria’s added value stems from its network: a headquarters in Rome, 223 local and trade associations and since 1958 a delegation in Brussels, which has seen its strategic importance grow over the years and is now a benchmark for the entire Italian economic system at the European Union.


Ente Italiano di Normazione

Steering Committee on Construction and Infrastructure
Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (Italian National Unification, acronym UNI) is a private non-profit association that performs regulatory activities in Italy across industrial, commercial, and service sectors, with the exception of electrical engineering and electronic competence of CEI.
The UNI is recognized by the Italian State and by the European Union, and represents Italian legislative activity at the International Standards Organization (ISO) and European Committee for Standardization (CEN).


European Construction Technology Platform

Executive Committee
The European Construction, built environment and energy efficient building Technology Platform (ECTP) is a leading membership organisation promoting and influencing the future of the Built Environment.
First founded in 2004 ECTP brings together the collective vision for a leading edge European Built Environment on behalf of our Members. ECTP gathers around 140 Member organisations from across the construction sector and other sectors from the whole supply chain of the Built Environment.ECTP is today one of the 38 European Technology Platforms (ETPs) which are industry-led stakeholder fora recognised by the European Commission as key actors in driving innovation, knowledge transfer and European competitiveness.


  • Marone Paola ANCE



  • Callieri Roberto FEDERBETON
  • Ferraloro Emanuele ANCE
  • Montanini Alberto ANIMA
  • Oddi Baglioni Braccio OICE
  • Villani Franco ANIE



  • Deri Stefano FEDERCHIMICA
  • Scotti Gianni ASSOVETRO



  • Adriano Castagnone ASSOBIM
  • Giuseppe Freri FEDERCOMATED
  • Maurizio Lo Re ANGAISA
  • Lorenzo Tedeschi CORTEXA